Saturday, 29 November 2014

Lady Jane goes out and about

Made by Lady Jane has been quite busy recently.
In the middle of October I put together this stall, for a Ladies Day at the golf course (ladies do like to shop!)

Then just 2 days later I was in Peillac, exhibiting some of my work with 'Comparz', a local association of craftspeople and artisans. 
The occasion was the 'Fetes des Fruits d'Automne', a celebration of all things autumnal, and local - sweet chestnuts, pumpkins, apples and many other other edibles. Huge crowds come to the village to partake of these goodies and enjoy live music and traditional Breton dancing in the streets. This year we were blessed with glorious sunny weather, which was a real bonus.

Our little artisan group took over a disused chapel in the village, dragged in enormous branches and foliage and recreated a little 'forest' indoors - it was bizarre but wonderful!
Our work was exhibited in amongst the foliage:

And on the Saturday evening, in true french fashion, we all brought  a little something to share and ate a wonderful picnic together in our 'forest'. (It was lovely, atmospheric, just a little bit eccentric and another reminder of why I am so happy to be living here)

Moving on into November and I was exhibiting again,at 'Salon Toutes Fibres Dehors' in la Gacilly, not too far from home.
 This is a two day event showcasing textile professionals living and working in Brittany. Over 40 exhibitors, demonstrations, and a fashion show each day draw in good crowds . Hard work, but very worthwhile for so many reasons.


After - Who IS that daft looking lady?

Ooh - what luverly things!

And that brings us to this weekend, when I'll mostly be involved with this:

Christmas is just around the corner, so I'm off to Glenac, to a little 'Marche de Noel'

Which is why I've not been here on my blog very often, cos I've been here, there and (feels like) everywhere!.

........and I think that quite soon it will rather nice to:

- wouldn't you agree??